Photosynthesis & Cellular respiration
In the following chapter I will introduce two important topics you will need to go over for the keystone test that is coming up very soon. With this study guide this section will include s short description, questions, key terms, and key words on the topic at hand.The first topic is on photosynthesis which is a process that converts food into a usable energy called Adenosine triphosphate also known as ATP. During the process of photosynthesis you will take the two reactants which are carbon dioxide and water mixed with the sunlight captured from the chloroplast and combined together creates ATP. When you convert this chemical reaction to release energy it is called and exothermic reaction. The same section I will discuss the topic of cellular respiration which forms a circulatory cycle in which the two help each other continue on and help the environment. In cellular respiration The process that a Living organism goes through where a set of chemical reactions creates a useable form of energy by breaking down sugars which produces the useable energy, oxygen, and people are able to breathe in and take through their whole system. I hope you are able to retain the information given below, and do well on your test.
Key words
- The process in which plants use sunlight to create A useable form of energy called ATP. It uses Chloroplast to draw in sunlight combined with water and carbon dioxide which act as reactants during the process.
ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate )
- A compound created through the process of photosynthesis used to give living organism the energy to complete different process in the body.
Cellular respiration
-The process that a Living organism goes through where a set of chemical reactions creates a useable form of energy by breaking down sugars which produces the useable energy, oxygen, and people are able to breathe in and take through their whole system.
- A simple sugar which is important energy source in living organisms.
- A substance That takes part in and changes during a reaction of any sort.
Occurs in green plant cells that contain chlorophyll which is a substance that attracts energy ( Sunlight
SWBAT Learn the different stages of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and they will understand their contributions to the environment and your bodily functions.
Esstential Questions-
* What are the fundamental roles that chloroplast and mitochondria contributes in different energy transformation.
* Are you able to compare the different transformations of energy in photosynthesis and cellular.
* Can you describe the role of ATP
It's your turn!
Use the information you have recieved above to answer the questions below. when you are finished you can compare your answers to the correct answers on our answer key page.
What is the product of photosynthesis
A.)Glucose Oxygen
B.) Oxygen
C.) Both
D.) None of the above
What is the product of cellular respiration
B.) Glucose
C.) Water
D.) 6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2.
3.) Chloroplast is the green substance in a plant cell that…​
A.) Eats the food produced by photosynthesis
B.) Absorbs light and uses it along with carbon dioxide and water to produce food for the cell
C.) It is put there for decoration/ make the plant pretty and colorful
D.) produces carbon dioxide
Figure 1
4.) In figure 1. to the left It shows how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are a circulatory system and work hand in hand on keeping the balance of oxygen. What two reactants go into photosynthesis and what two reactants go into cellular respiration
A.) ATP, Carbon Dixiode
B.) Mitochondria, Heat
C.) Animal Cell, Plant cell
D.) Carbon Dixiode, water & ATP, Glucose, and Oxygen
5.) Write a short paragraph explaining what the process of photosynthesis is
6.) Write a short paragraph explaining what the process of cellular respiration is
​7.) Describe what the circulatory process is for photosynthesis and cellular respiration and how the two go hand and hand.